Civil Procedure

Dallas Mavericks Move to Dismiss Case Alleging Mismanagement

Or, as the motion describes them, the "World Champion Dallas Mavericks." Assuming this describes the case correctly – and it does appear to be a real filing, although whether it's a real motion for summary judgment or just gloating is hard to say…

The People Who Sued Themselves

Over the weekend I wrote about Lodi v. Lodi, which was not a divorce but rather one man's legal crusade against himself. I was thinking about that because I'm working on a legal-ethics presentation about conflict-of-interest rules, which is a sufficiently…

Assorted Stupidity #7

When I suggested the other day that Charlie Sheen should consider the Tourette’s defense, I didn’t have all the facts. So unless there is some evidence that Tourette’s syndrome could cause someone to do cocaine, bring a porn star to…

Trial Continued Due to Outbreak of Saintsmania

From today's ruling in Becnel v. Northrup Grumman Ship Systems, a case pending in Orleans Parish, Louisiana: Considering the historic victory of the New Orleans Saints, the Court finds that the trial will not be able to proceed as originally…