
They Made Apollo 11 Go Through Customs

Departure from:   MOON Arrival at:             HONOLULU, HAWAII, U.S.A. Flight No.:            APOLLO 11 Cargo:                  MOON ROCK AND MOON DUST SAMPLES Nothing else to declare, I guess. Except that they had just Walked on the F*#%ing Moon! Probably…

Judge Invites Bickering Attorneys to “Kindergarten Party”

When judges get fed up with discovery disputes, this might happen:     Greetings and Salutations! You are invited to a kindergarten party on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. in Courtroom 2 of the United States Courthouse, 200 W. Eighth…

Dismissal of “Bad Mothering” Lawsuit Affirmed

Ladies and gentlemen, over the years we have seen some horrifying examples of man's inhumanity to man. Also man's inhumanity to woman, woman's inhumanity to man, and woman's inhumanity to woman, plus at least some examples of man's inhumanity to…

Court: No, One Person Can’t Be a “Partnership”

I’m a strong believer that in legal writing, an introduction should pretty much tell you everything you need to know. This one does. The parties to this appeal, a partnership dispute, agree on one issue. They want us to assume…

The Case of the Dangerous Dachshund

Plaintiff: Plaintiff enters the Penny Pinchers grocery store in West Point, Mississippi, on August 16, 2006. She says hello. She walks down the aisle. Suddenly, the bark of a savage dog rings out! Plaintiff flees, terrified, with the clicking of the…

A New Contender for Worst Legal Brief

In considering whether something could be the "worst legal brief" ever filed, we have to recognize that there are different kinds of badness. Many briefs are filed every year by people who are, evidently, insane. If it is fair to…