Bad Disguises

Bad Disguise #5: Shorts on Head

For many people, the facial area is perhaps the most recognizable area of the body, and for that reason an effective disguise will cover that area almost completely. It is important not to cover the eyes, which are the two…

Gallery of Bad Disguises, #4: The Thong Bandits

Before too long there will be enough material of this kind to create a separate category or gallery of Bad Disguises.  Previous candidates would include the Duct Tape Bandit and the Tree That Robbed a Bank, and to those we…

What Not to Use as a Disguise, #3: Drywall Compound

I think we have enough failed-disguise posts now to consider starting a new category, or at least a sub-category of The Criminal Mind.  This does not quite rise to the level of What Not to Use as a Disguise #1…

“Duct Tape Bandit” Apprehended Immediately

Possibly inspired by (but far less successful than) last month's "Tree Bandit," who also employed duct tape but only to attach his foliage, a Kentucky man tried to rob a liquor store last Friday after first wrapping his entire head…