Search Results for facebook

Accused Fraudster Strapped His Ankle Bracelet to a Robot

The government is using the word "contraption," and that is probably more accurate but "robot" made the headline funnier. I don't know why. That's just how this works sometimes. As I mentioned the other day, Paul Ceglia, who previously demanded…

Assorted Stupidity #71

"Drunken trombone-playing clown fires gun from garage, police say." A great headline and also basically the entire story. What more do you need? Speaking of headlines, how about "Accused crayfish thief caught 'waving it down Melbourne street'"? He was waving…

What Does a Security-Camera Thief Look Like?

Well, one of them looks like this: According to the BBC (thanks, Harry), this guy stole two CCTV cameras on Sunday, taking his own mugshot in the process. The image was first posted on the police department's Facebook page, but…


Watch out for ’em. The similar sign at the top is just slightly less ridiculous, because gravity. Seen at Overlawyered, via the Tortylicious Facebook page (run by Prof. Kate Offer, U. of Western Australia).

Meta Mug Shot

Via the mugshot masters at The Smoking Gun: Yes, that's an earlier mugshot of the same person on the T-shirt he wore for this mugshot. A co-worker made this T-shirt for the young man after he was arrested in June for…

Well, Somebody Doesn’t Know What “Homophones” Are

It's either Clarke Woodger, who reportedly fired an employee for blogging about them, or people for whom English is a second language. It is plausible to think many in the latter group might not know what "homophones" are, but to…