Judge Admonished About Cheering for Seahawks

Earlier this year I reported on an incident in Washington where a superior court judge had asked all those in the courtroom to shout "Go Seahawks" before being seated.  (As you may or may not recall, the Seahawks were in…

Judge Rules Lawyer Is Too Drunk to Litigate

Many's the time that we have debated the question whether it is possible to be "too drunk to litigate."  This will not settle that debate, but it is one more piece of evidence. A judge in Las Vegas ordered a…

“Goofy Letter” Unmasks Bogus Attorney

Prosecutors in Lewistown, Pennsylvania, say they became suspicious of Jeffrey Riddell in March after they got a letter from him on behalf of a criminal defendant he was representing.  Although it was written on letterhead, the letter was threatening and…

Order Granting Motion to Compel Lunch

Also circulating this week, some really excellent work by Judge Gaines of the Maricopa County (AZ) Superior Court.  This order resolves a dispute over the terms of a lunch meeting to discuss discovery issues by (among other things) ordering the…

Latest Handwritten Notice of Appeal

Presented for your approval, Mr. George Swinger, Jr., a man clearly unhappy with the ruling in the trial court, and one for whom an even less happy result awaits on appeal. George Swinger’s Notice of Appeal (language warning, for those…

America’s Proudest Pedophile

Phillip Distasio took a new and different approach to defending against pedophilia charges at his pretrial hearing in Cleveland this week.  His defense: admit with pride that you are a pedophile. "I’m a pedophile," he told the judge on Wednesday. …