Clown Suit Threatened

Happy the Clown and other Bay Area clowns received threatening letters last week from Cowan, DeBaets, Abrahams and Sheppard LLP, a New York firm, telling the clowns to cease and desist from wearing costumes that look too much like characters…

Angry Parrot Leads Police to Thief

Police in southwestern England were able to track down a bird thief (apparently at the top of their to-do list these days) after the parrot he stole managed to leave them a vital clue. Tristand Maidment stole Mickey the Macaw…

Judge Tells Convicted Vandals to Trash Their Own Cars

Josh Breeding and Christopher Lyons were found guilty of "splattering up another man’s vehicle" (I assume these charges have some other formal name like maybe "vandalism") with paintball guns in an Ohio court yesterday.  The municipal court judge hearing their…

Nebraska Police Searching for Stolen Juggling Equipment

Omaha police are searching for a thief who stole two bags of juggling equipment from the back seat of a visiting juggler’s car.  According to the report, Justin Gramarye has lost all his "balls, rings, clubs, diablos, cigar boxes, devil…

Memphis Lawyer Is Also Lord of Great Horwood

The Associated Press reports that 68-year-old Memphis attorney D. Jack Smith, a former legislator and (according to his website) the nation’s senior multilevel-marketing attorney, has also been the Lord of Great Horwood, a village outside London, since 1997.  Apparently, this…

Arizona May Pay One Lucky Voter $1 Million

Further confirming what a great thing the initiative process is, an Arizona proposal that would enter everyone who actually votes into the drawing for a $1 million prize has qualified for the November ballot. Tired of seeing extremely low turnouts…

Battle of the Bigfoot Researchers

From today’s Bay-Area-case-reporting service: Marin County Superior Court C. Thomas Biscardi v. Great American Bigfoot Research Organization Inc.; Carole Rubin aka "Ruby" Rubin; Robert Shorey; Does; CV062655 (filed 7/11/2006) Action for breach of contract, common counts and and unlawful appropriation…

Virginia Governor Pardons Witch

Last Monday, Virginia Governor Timothy Kaine pardoned Grace Sherwood, who was described as "Virginia’s only person convicted as a witch tried by water."  So I guess she may not have been the only person Virginia has tried that way, but…

Rejected Democrat Has Choice Words for Party Leaders

In May, the Democratic Party chose not to nominate anyone to run against GOP Rep. Eric Cantor for his seat in the 7th Congressional District in Virginia, rather than nominate Brad Blanton, who I guess was the only person who…