Feud A’brewin Over Appalachian Pet Ownership

The Collins family of Melvin, Kentucky (that’s Floyd County) loves Kitty and ain’t a-gonna give him up.  "He’s not bothering nobody," says Barry Collins.  But the Hall family does not like Kitty.  "I think [Kitty] needs to be in a…

Oklahoma Ends Tattoo Holdout

Caving in to the degradation of moral character so evident in the other 49 states, Oklahoma has finally legalized tattooing, passing legislation last week that ended a forty-year-old state ban on the practice.  Surprisingly, Oklahoma was the only state in…

Wisconsin Supreme Court OKs Warrantless Laxatation

On Thursday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court held that forcing a suspect to drink massive doses of a laxative in hopes of recovering a swallowed bag of heroin was not unconstitutional.  The court of appeals had held that the strategy amounted…

You Thought Things Were Bad Before

A man in Germany trying to end it all just made it even worse for himself when he miscalculated his jump.  He meant to jump under a train, but timed his jump too late and so he instead crashed through…

Man Wants Money Back for MiG-21 Bought on eBay

Zhang Cheng, a businessman in Beijing, is demanding his money back from a man who posted a MiG-21 for sale on eBay.  Zhang bought the fighter jet, previously in the Czech Air Force but now located somewhere in Idaho, for…

California Finally Passes Anti-Tom-Cruise Law

The California Assembly has overwhelmingly passed a bill that would bar the purchase of ultrasound machines by private parties.  While Tom Cruise is not specifically mentioned in the bill, and unfortunately will probably not be covered by the law if…

TSA Clears Self of Suspicion in Inspection Dispute

I forgot this one from three weeks ago.  Debra Sanders of Clearwater, Florida, has accused the Transportation Security Administration of lax security and improper inspection procedures after she got home from a trip to New Jersey. She first suspected her…

Judge’s Mystic Dwarf Friends Identified

I previously reported on Judge Florentino Floro, a judge in the Philippines who was removed from the bench recently for acts as innocuous as fortune-telling, faith healing in chambers, and beginning each court session with a cheery reading from the…