Legal Battle Between Dwarf Tribute Bands is Looming

Lawyers for Joey Fatale, "the 4-foot, 4-inch New Yorker who heads the all-dwarf KISS tribute band MiniKiss" — that’s a quote — sent a cease-and-desist letter to a rival band leader who Fatale accuses of stealing his idea.  His idea…

Judge in Philippines Discriminated Against for Being Psychic

The persecution of the psychically gifted continues.  Judge Florentino Floro, who until recently presided over a jurisdiction in suburban Manila, was removed from the bench on "administrative grounds" because of prejudice against those who have the ability to see the…

Man Accidentally Divorces Wife While Asleep

Divorces are much cleaner and easier under Islamic law than in the West.  If you are a man, of course.  Under Islamic law, a man only has to say the phrase "I divorce you" three times (within a relatively short…

Tangerangian Osculation May Not Exceed 4:59

The local government of Tangerang, a comically named suburb of Jakarta, Indonesia, has been trying to crack down on prostitution and address other moral issues for the past several years.  The Tangerangian city council’s laws first sparked protest in February…

Peruvian Candidates Desperate for Attention

Reuters reports that with over 2,500 people running for 120 seats in Peru’s Congress, candidates have felt it necessary to engage in a variety of stupid stunts to get any attention at all. Some have chained themselves to railings outside…

Pimp Sues Customers For Engaging in Illegal Activity

A Dutch man who formerly lived in Florida, but was deported after being charged with running one of the largest escort services in the Southeast, has sued six of his former customers for breaking the law while being "escorted."  By…

Dodgeball Game Leads to Assault Charges

Not stemming from dodgeball impact, either. From my original home zone of the Midwest comes this story of dodgeball gone wrong.  A humble game of dodgeball at Crescent Lake Christian Academy in Liberty, Missouri, turned ugly in February when one…