Zimzim Urallala Zimzim, Says Mayor

Harper’s Magazine reported this month on a proclamation in honor of Dadaism issued late last year by Dennis Highberger, the mayor of Lawrence, Kansas.  This year is (according to some) the 90th anniversary of the creation of Dadaism, an artistic…

Man Charged With Leaving Scene of Crash After Snake Attack

Drivers in Naples, Florida, called police Tuesday night to report the kind of road incident that you don’t see every day, but would like to.  They reported that a man who had been driving his PT Cruiser erratically then crashed…

Village Policeman Charged With Corruption

Victor Willis, the highest-ranking member of the Village People, has been re-arrested after attempting to flee from gun and drug charges against him in San Mateo County, California. Ironically, he was the policeman. Willis, who was the co-author of such…

Broker, Employer Battle over Reasons for Firing

Jim Whitehouse is suing his former employer, RBC Dominion Securities, for wrongful dismissal.  He was fired in early 2004 but the parties dispute the reason for the firing. Whitehouse testified that he felt it was due to friction over his…

Secretary of State in Possession of Coca Leaves

Coca leaves were given to Secretary Rice as part of a gift by the president of Bolivia, during Rice’s visit to that country in March.  The leaves were embedded in a guitar that President Evo Morales gave Rice, an Andean…

Iraqis Can Now Buy Terror Insurance

The New York Times reports that at least one thing has a guaranteed future in Iraq: terror insurance.  The state-owned Iraq Insurance Company has begun to insure ordinary Iraqis against, according to the policy rider, "the following dangers: 1) explosions…