How Your Homeland-Security Money Is Making You Safer

Just kidding—it isn't. Four-and-a-half years (most of it spent in long security lines) and umpteen billions of dollars after September 11, the Transportation Security Agency has implemented effective security measures to prevent dangerous materials like explosives from getting onto our…

Senator is Unclear “What a Trillion Is”

On Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to (again) raise the government’s debt limit to nearly nine trillion dollars.  The government has been running huge deficits for the past few years and Congress has had to raise the limit every year…

Murder to be Tried for Murder

Corey Miller is now awaiting retrial for a second-degree murder charge after his conviction and life sentence were overturned on appeal.  Miller is a rap artist who went by the name "C-Murder" at the time of the alleged murder.  C-Murder…

Marital Spat Escalates to Use of Napalm

Police in Mexico’s Yucatan province were called to the scene of a domestic disturbance in the town of Oxkutzcab, where they found a married couple’s home burning in the aftermath of a fiery explosion.  Witnesses told police that the fight…

Cuddling Ticket Overturned

A diligent sheriff’s deputy in Oregon gave Faith Miller a ticket in February for sitting next to her husband while he was driving.  Because they own a "spacious 1988 Chrysler Fifth Avenue," she has to sit in the middle of…

World’s Newest Democracy Enters Modern Age

No, not Iraq.  Be serious.  I’m talking about Sark. Sark, the smallest of the Channel Islands, is a self-governing dependency of the British crown, meaning that it is technically owned personally by the Queen but is not part of the…