Toga Party Attendance is Critical in Abu Ghraib Defense

Lt. Col. Steven Jordan is currently on trial for 12 charges relating to the torture — sorry, "maltreatment" — of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison.  His defense attorneys have argued that Jordan was actually not in charge of the interrogation…

Pet Owners Sue Over Agents’ Failure to Make Them Stars

Earlier this month, a group of California pet owners sued Hollywood Paws, LLC, claiming that the company had not made good on promises that it would turn their pets into media stars.  The owners allege that Hollywood Paws accepted thousands…

“At First Blush, It’s a Lot of Money”

"At first blush, it’s a lot of money, but at second blush, it wasn’t a huge fee case for the efforts involved." — Thomas Girardi, of Girardi & Keese, a plaintiffs’ firm that shared in a $170 million award of…

Dashing Diner Wins Verdict in Trial Over $46 Tab

A jury in Pinellas, Florida, recently sided with Lt. Col. Ralph Paul (ret.) after he was prosecuted for not paying a $46 dinner tab.  Mr. Paul had complained after he ordered a "Seafood Saute" and received a dish that he…

Names on No-Fly List Questioned

Reportedly, on Sunday 60 Minutes will air a segment on the Homeland Security Department that will include a suggestion that the "no-fly list" assembled after 9/11 may not have been put together, and may not be maintained, all that carefully….

German Seeks Compensation for Alien Abductees

Given that Germany has a law granting kidnap victims the right to state compensation, it was only a matter of time before a creative attorney sought to apply that law to the many Germans each year who are abducted by…

Candidate Begs Voters to Pick His Opponent

Paul Herold is a candidate for a city council seat in Blaine, Minnesota, but he wishes he wasn’t.  Herold signed up to run in the primary election, but before the election took place he got a new job that he…

Congressman Steps Down After Questionable E-Mails

Representative Mark Foley resigned from Congress today after questions were raised about e-mails he sent to a 16-year-old former congressional page.  Excerpts of the e-mails were published by ABC News and then were posted on a Washington ethics group’s website,…