Atlanta Joins Those Bravely Fighting Low-Pants Epidemic

The Associated Press reports today that a proposed amendment to Atlanta’s indecency ordinances would target baggy, low-riding pants that allow portions of the wearer’s underwear to be seen.  The ordinance would make "the indecent exposure of [one’s] undergarments" in a…

Michael Vick’s Legal Troubles Escalate

The conviction of Jose Padilla is more bad news for Michael Vick, already facing charges connected with his participation in a dogfighting operation.  This means he needs to be worried about the lawsuit filed in July by Jonathan Lee Riches,…

Judge Pearson Appeals in Lost-Pants Case

The Legal Times reported today that Judge Roy Pearson, who lost a bench trial in June in his $54 million lost-pants lawsuit against Custom Cleaners, has appealed. Pearson, who shed actual tears during the trial and yet seems to have…

“Duct Tape Bandit” Apprehended Immediately

Possibly inspired by (but far less successful than) last month's "Tree Bandit," who also employed duct tape but only to attach his foliage, a Kentucky man tried to rob a liquor store last Friday after first wrapping his entire head…

Liability Concerns Said to Be Hobbling British Clowns

A British clown (a man who makes a living as a clown, not just some guy I think is a "clown" who happens to be British) was quoted this week as saying that clients’ concerns about possible liability have seriously…