Marilyn Manson Sued by Former Bandmate

On Thursday, a former member of Marilyn Manson’s band sued him, claiming that Manson (whose real name is the slightly more mundane "Brian Warner") misled him as to how much money the band was making, and instead went on a…

Internet Flame War Ends in Burning Trailer, Prison Time

Russell Tavares was sentenced on Monday to seven years in prison after he pleaded guilty to felony arson for setting fire to a man’s trailer home in 2005.  Tavares had become angry after the man called him a "nerd" on…

Law School Documentary to Tell Story of Oklahoma Students

The Wall Street Journal’s Law Blog reports today on a documentary called "The Trials of Law School" that has recently been completed and will be released later this year.  The film follows eight students at the University of Oklahoma as…

“Californian For Obama” Says He Has Done Nothing Illegal

Last week, a spokesperson for Barack Obama’s campaign said that a group called "Californians for Obama" had been asked to close up shop despite its success to date in raising over $10,000 in campaign contributions.  Among their concerns: the group…

Judge Halverson Suspended by Nevada State Commission

The Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline issued an interim order today (July 25) suspending Judge Elizabeth Halverson pending a final determination in the disciplinary proceeding against her.  The order means that after reviewing evidence and holding a hearing, the Commission…

Fundraiser Held for Defendants in the Pants Lawsuit

A fundraiser was held in D.C. last night for the Chungs, who were the defendants in the $65-million-pants lawsuit filed (and lost) by Roy Pearson.  It took place at the US Chamber of Commerce building and was co-hosted by the…

Hungarians To Vote On Siesta Referendum

Apparently eager to be as democratic as possible now that they have the chance, Hungarians have repeatedly exercised their new ability to put referendums on the ballot.  The only ones that have passed so far were the two in which…