British Judges and Lawyers No Longer Bewigged

Britain’s Lord Chief Justice, a position similar to our own Chief Justice, but lordier, announced today that judges and lawyers in that country will no longer be required to wear the white wigs that they have been practicing under since…

Captain America to be Spared Jail Time

I like to salute great opening sentences when it’s appropriate, and especially when I’m not sure I could do any better.  So here’s this opening sentence, which began a story written on Tuesday by an unknown reporter at WFTV.com in…

How to Avoid Jury Duty by Going to Jail Instead

Nobody really likes jury duty, but probably nobody doesn’t like it as much as Daniel Ellis.  Ellis was absolutely determined not to serve on a Massachusetts grand jury, apparently so determined that he wanted to go to jail instead. Ellis…

Contract Held Not Binding Although Written in Blood

On Monday, a judge in Orange County Superior Court ruled against Kim Jin-Soo, refusing to enforce a contract to pay him over $140,000.  Judge Corey Cramin ruled after a bench trial that there was no consideration for the contract, despite…

Court Reverses The Taster’s $15-Million Award

On June 29, the California Court of Appeal reversed the judgment for Russell Christoff in his lawsuit against Nestle’s.  As I’ve written about before, Christoff, a former model, happened to be in a store one day in 2002 and saw…

Six-Figure Award in Case of Golf Cart v. Chevy Cavalier

Madison County, Illinois, is not the lawsuit-lottery capital of the world like it used to be, but juries seem to still be pretty generous.  Last week, a jury awarded William Clawson over $111,000 for injuries he suffered after he drove…