Order Directs Counsel Not to Mudsling, Fingerpoint

On Tuesday, Judge Davis of the Northern District of Florida entered an order that suggested a slight frustration with discovery disputes that may result merely from a lack of civility between counsel.  Put another way, he is %@#*ing sick of…

“Folksy” Language Unfortunate for Litigation Purposes

The L.A. Times runs a story today about allegations that the U-Haul corporation has lost or "spoliated" evidence in various cases over the years.  The good part of the story (from my point of view) is its description of an…

No Protection for “BONG HiTS 4 JESUS”

A united conservative majority of the Supreme Court ruled today in Morse v. Frederick that there is no First Amendment protection for a student who unfurled a banner supporting “BONG HiTS 4 JESUS” across the street from his school. Writing…

Judge Who Lost Pants Loses Case

Wasting no time this morning, Judge Judith Bartnoff ruled in favor of Custom Cleaners, saying they had not violated the D.C. Consumer Protection Act by failing to satisfy Judge Roy Pearson as to the whereabouts of his pants, despite having…

Two (2) Ticket Disputes Rip Apart Lawyer Friendships

Two stories recently of lawyer friendships destroyed by battles over season tickets, battles that as you might expect are being fought out in court in full lawyer mode. 1.  Prima Donna v. The Tailgater First, on June 11 the Chicago…

Decisions Loom in $54-Million-Pants Case

According to Washington Post bloggers, a decision in the Pants Case is expected by Monday, possibly this afternoon.  With any luck, the court’s opinion will be available for immediate posting and review. Also, Marc Fisher reported this week on the…

Return to Blogging

Having survived the perils of Alaska, including several protracted battles with what has now become seafood, I am back and trying to get caught up on the stories from the past week.  This would be easier if I hadn’t returned…