
Having finally contracted carpal tunnel syndrome from writing endless legal documents and posts for this blog, in addition to all the browsing and mousing activity that entails, my doctor is insisting that I take a one-week vacation from the keyboard. …

UPDATE: The Mega-Pants Trial Continues

The pants trial is being covered today by Marc Fisher, a Washington Post columnist and blogger.  You can follow his coverage at the link below. Fisher’s first Day Two post describes the cross-examination of Judge Pearson, which began with The…

Live-Blogging From the Pants Trial

Not me, unfortunately, but at least someone is doing it.  Emil Steiner of the Washington Post is live at the trial of Pearson v. Custom Cleaners, which did in fact go to trial this morning and may or may not…

Trial of Judge’s Lost-Pants Claim Set to Begin

According to the website of the firm representing Custom Cleaners, the trial of Judge Roy Pearson’s $54-million-dollar lost-pants claims is set to begin today or tomorrow in District of Columbia Superior Court.  Apparently Judge Judith Bartnoff is presiding over another…

UPDATE: Rooster Killer Gets Probation

As I reported last year, Humberto Rodriguez was arrested in Manhattan and charged with animal cruelty for biting the head off his pet rooster, even though Rodriguez explained that he was only retaliating for the rooster’s unprovoked attack on his…

Fight Breaks Out in Alabama Legislature

Those readers who complained a while back when I made fun of a massive brawl that broke out in Taiwan’s legislature (yes, a couple of people complained about that) may be pleased to learn that a fight broke out last…

Racist Dog Rejects Job Applicant

According to a Belgian newspaper, a local businessman rejected a Nigerian job applicant on the grounds that his dog was racist and would probably bite the man.  The applicant was not even allowed to enter the business where he had…

Readers Overwhelmingly Support Morrison Pardon

In the interest of moving on to polls dealing with other critical world issues, I’m going to declare victory for the pro-pardon forces on the question whether Jim Morrison should be granted a posthumous pardon for his indecent-exposure conviction back…