Pakistani Supreme Court Intervenes in Song-Lyric Dispute

Those of you worried about an activist Supreme Court may want to consider how bad things could be.  Reuters News reported yesterday that Pakistan’s Supreme Court had intervened to order a pop singer to change the lyrics of one of…

UPDATED: Miami Shooting Reopens Debate Over Condiment Control

According to Miami police, early Tuesday morning the driver of a car in a Wendy’s drive-through lane requested a number of chili-sauce packets with his meal.  Ominously, that number was greater than three, the maximum packets per customer allowed by…

Congressman Pursues Pick-Pocket, Publicity

Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, a 61-year-old GOP congressman from New Jersey, was pick-pocketed in Georgetown on Thursday night but, true to his party’s tough-on-crime stance, chased down and caught the 18-year-old suspect.  Nearby police saw the chase and made an arrest….

Bishop Says Octuple Bigamy Due to “Misunderstanding”

Bishop Anthony Owens of Memphis, Tennessee, is back in jail on bigamy charges again after a woman said he proposed to her not long after being released from serving his previous sentence. He had apparently proposed to three other women…

Failed Valedictorian Sues Teacher Over Bad Grade

In February, shocked and embarrassed about receiving a bad grade in advanced biology, a student at Sissonville High in West Virginia sued her teacher and the county board of education, demanding that the grade be changed. The grade was a…

No Questions Again This Term from Justice Thomas

Now that Supreme Court transcripts identify justices by name, which has only been the case since October 2004, it’s possible to (choose one): [gain even more insight into the thought processes of the justices] [waste even more time analyzing pointless…