Biter Says Bites Were to Teach Bitee Not to Bite

Hector Pulido explained to police that, by biting his nephew repeatedly, he was only trying to teach his nephew that biting people is wrong.  Sure, in retrospect, he may have said, it’s possible that actually biting a 3-year-old multiple times,…

German Court Tells Bald Man to Buy a Hat

The bald men among you who have been thinking about moving to the German province of Rhineland-Palatinate in order to take advantage of liberal health-care coverage to get free hairpieces should think again. A court there ruled last week that…

CORRECTION Re: Taiwan Legislative Tactics

A few days ago I commented on another brawl that had broken out in Taiwan’s legislature, this time over the makeup of the country’s Central Election Committee, and also noted that past legislative tactics have included not just brawls but…

Andy Griffith’s Suit Against Andy Griffith Dismissed

Last fall I reported on a campaign by Andy Griffith to become the new sheriff of Grant County, Wisconsin.  Griffith had formerly been William Harold Fenrick, but changed his name to Andrew (Jackson) Griffith so that he could run for…