Further Details Emerge on $65-Million-Pants Lawsuit

We learned more this week about the lawsuit by a D.C. administrative law judge against his diabolical neighborhood dry cleaners, who allegedly lost or stole or set fire to or irradiated or otherwise acted tortiously towards a pair of pants…

Magicians Make Lawsuit Appear Out of Thin Air

The AP reports today that a group of forty-nine Japanese magicians have sued two broadcasting networks for allegedly revealing the secrets of various coin tricks in programs that aired last year.  In a press conference, magician/plaintiff Shintaro Fujiyama told reporters…

Youthful Terrorist Apprehended

I have obtained from Slate Magazine’s "Hot Documents" file a copy of this police report, which recounts the details of a difficult arrest in Highlands County, Florida, in March.  An excerpt: When I approached [the perpetrator] she crawled under the…

Indian Warrant for American Gigolo

A court in Jaipur, India, has ordered the arrest of Richard Gere for kissing actress Shilpa Shetty at an event in New Delhi that was intended to promote AIDS awareness. Mostly, it has ended up promoting the facts that India…