Tampa Trial of Band-Aid Bandit Begins

Opening statements this week in the trial of Rafael Rondon, the alleged "Band-Aid Bandit" who was arrested in 2006 after a string of 39 bank robberies in the Tampa area dating back to 2000.  The robber was dubbed the "Band-Aid…

Man Sued for Negligent Dancing

The AP reported this week that a Chicago woman is suing a man she danced with at an office party, alleging that she was injured by one of his dance moves, which seems to have gone something like this: Step…

Ostrich Murderer Walks Away With Five-Month Sentence

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on March 29 that a man who murdered an ostrich late last year had been released from jail after serving only a five-month sentence for animal abuse. This despite the fact that it was a…

New LAPD Flashlights Feared Less Effective in Beatings

On Friday, LAPD Chief William Bratton unveiled new police flashlights powered by LEDs rather than standard bulbs.  The new flashlights are brighter, use less power, need fewer batteries, and so can be made smaller than the two-pound, two-foot model that…

Celery-Throwers Face Charges in Britain

The soccer team Chelsea FC has banned three fans, and says it may press charges against them, for throwing celery onto the soccer pitch during the FA Cup quarter-final on March 19.  Two were arrested at the match; a third…

U.S. Supreme Court Gets All Up in Guam’s Face

In a long-awaited and dramatic decision, the Supreme Court held today, unanimously, that in the context of the Guam Organic Act’s debt-limitation provision, 48 U.S.C. section 1423a, Guam’s debt limitation must be calculated according to the assessed valuation of property…