Please Note: Even Elderly Marines Can Kick Your Ass

Luckily, I already had a great deal of respect for Marines, elderly or not, so I didn’t need this lesson.  But it’s too late for a mugger in Costa Rica who made the very poor decision to try to rob…

PTO Refuses to Register “Obama Bin Laden” Trademark

Earlier this week, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office informed Alexandre Batlle that it would not register the proposed trademark "OBAMA BIN LADEN," which of course conflates the names of presidential candidate "Barack Obama" and non-presidential-candidate "Osama bin Laden."  Batlle…

Batman Eludes Phoenix Police

The Associated Press reported on Wednesday that three Phoenix-area schools were put "on lockdown" after a middle-school student reported seeing a person dressed as Batman run across the school grounds, jump over a fence and disappear into the desert.  The…

Manila Airport Security Apprehends German Pants-Dropper

Upgraded security procedures at Manila International Airport are being credited for the apprehension of Hans Jurgen Oskar von Naguschewski, a 66-year-old German tourist who got so fed up with it that he dropped his pants before walking (or more likely…

One or Maybe Three More Claimants Emerge in Smith Case

On Friday I became the fourth person to my knowledge to claim to be the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s millionaire infant.  Some may think that claim is open to question simply because I never had sex with Anna Nicole…

Cohabitation May No Longer Be Sex Crime in North Dakota

North Dakota’s state senators passed a bill Friday that, if it passes in the House of Representatives, would remove "unlawful cohabitation" from the state’s list of sex crimes, where it has been since the territory became a state in 1889. …