Accused Flasher Exposes Evidence in Court

Lawyers involved in a 60-year-old German man’s appeal of indecent-exposure charges were, for some reason, "stunned" when the man took his clothes off during a court recess. "The court withdrew for deliberations and during the adjournment the man removed his…

Pants Judge Ordered Out of Office

Reports last week that Roy Pearson would lose his job were confirmed on Tuesday, when the panel that oversees administrative law judges in D.C. had a letter hand-delivered to him at about 3:30 p.m., telling him to vacate his office…

Taster’s Case Will Be Heard by California Supreme Court

Yesterday, the California Supreme Court granted review in Christoff v. Nestle USA Inc., the case involving a guy who noticed his face on a jar of Taster’s Choice 16 years after he had done a photo shoot for the company…

Court Rules Spider Bite Not a Valid Defense to Rape Charge

On Wednesday, Philip Speirs was sentenced to eight years in jail on kidnapping and rape charges, despite telling the court that he committed the crime because he had been bitten by a spider.  Speirs told the court that he had…

Sentence Handed Down in Michigan Pickle-Assault Case

Only a few tantalizing details have emerged to date about the circumstances of this crime, but it is clear that it involved (1) a home invasion, (2) a repeat offender, and (3) pickles. Bobby Lee Bolen of Buchanan, Michigan, was…

Alabama Dinner Party Participants are Latest to Sue Borat

Another lawsuit stemming from the movie "Borat" was filed on Friday, October 22, this time in the Northern District of Alabama by the other "stars" of the dinner party scene. In Streit v. Twentieth Century Fox, the plaintiffs allege that…

Casebook is Only Casualty in Law School Shooting

An Indiana Law School case book died last week in a hail of gunfire, according to reports today from the Wall Street Journal’s Law Blog and elsewhere. A third-year law student at Indiana was arrested last week and charged with…