Noise Ordinance Violators Sentenced to Easy Listening

A judge in Fort Lupton, Colorado (northeast of Denver) has received some attention for his creative sentencing of people who violate the town’s noise ordinance.  As these are mostly young people who cruise around the streets of Fort Lupton with…

Opinion Corrected: Replaces “Iggidy” With “Wiggity”

While the facts of the underlying opinion in U.S. v. Freeman aren’t especially comical — it was an appeal from a conviction and sentence on drug-conspiracy charges — it does have some educational value.  The question was whether the district…

Tool Sued

The New Orleans bureau has alerted me to a new lawsuit against the rock band Tool, filed in federal court in Louisiana.  Tool, whose music is described as "heavy metal," "alternative metal," "art rock," "art metal," "progressive rock," "progressive metal,"…

Lawyers Attack Riot Police “With Furled Umbrellas”

From a New Yorker article in July about protests in Islamabad after the Chief Justice of Pakistan was suspended: The largest crowd by far was made up of lawyers in starched collars, white shirts, and black suits.  They marched in…

Spanish Thief Partly Like Robin Hood, Partly Not

In August, Spanish police finally captured "The Loner," the country’s most wanted criminal.  The Loner, whose secret identity was Jaime Jimenez Arbe, had robbed more than 30 banks and killed three policemen during his crime spree.  But his lawyer has…

“American National” Sues All Nine Supreme Court Justices

Brave American citizen Jerry Brumbaugh struck a blow for freedom or something on Friday when he sued the nine current members of the United States Supreme Court for making rulings that have violated his constitutional rights.  Specifically, all of them…

McDonald’s Employee Charged With Oversalting Officer’s Burger

Kendra Bull, a 20-year-old employee of a McDonald’s in Union City, Georgia, was arrested Friday and now faces criminal charges for allegedly putting too much salt on a police officer’s hamburger. After using the drive-through, Officer Wendell Adams returned to…