A Jersey City councilman says he has “resolved not to touch alcohol again” after being accused of urinating on a crowd of concertgoers from a nightclub balcony last week. Steve Lipski did not admit the conduct, which allegedly took place at a Washington performance by a Grateful Dead tribute band, but did say that the incident he had not admitted was “deeply humiliating, very embarrassing” and “troubling.”
Hey, look on the bright side—at least they weren’t your constituents. That would tend to lower your approval rating.
Lipski was charged with “simple assault” after workers at the 9:30 Club allegedly spotted him relieving himself from the balcony. Sources say the councilman has been telling contributors that he spilled a drink and is being wrongly accused. “I can’t comment on that,” Lipski told a local reporter. “I’m going to continue to do all the good things [such as not urinating on crowds of people] and I’m not going to let this overshadow me.”
The Daily News report includes the detail that pictures showing another Jersey City councilman, Jerramiah Healy, naked and passed out on his front porch, were “widely circulated” in 2004. Healy was elected mayor shortly thereafter.