Ice-Cream Killer Pleads Guilty in Exchange for Picnic

On August 6, Tremayne Durham was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of an Oregon man in 2006.  Durham, who either realized he had a weak case or was just really hungry, agreed to plead guilty in exchange…

Batman Ties Up Traffic In Fathers’ Rights Protest

Speaking of bats (like I was Thursday), another one showed up today, this one on a highway sign over the M25 motorway in England, near Heathrow.  Dressed as Batman, 48-year-old Geoffrey Hibbert said he was roosting on the sign as…

McCain Sued by Jackson Browne Over Use of “Running on Empty”

John McCain’s latest campaign ad continues the pop-culture theme of his Britney/Paris ad, this time using the song "Running on Empty" to mock Obama for proposing gas conservation through tire inflation.  That’s my song, said Jackson Browne, who is not…

Lawsuit Alleges Bat Exposure

Seems like bats are everywhere these days.  While one of them is setting box-office records, a bunch of others are allegedly tormenting Utah schoolchildren.  So says a recent lawsuit against the Alpine School District, alleging that bats infested the school…

UPDATE: Judge Halverson Defeated in Primary Election

Embattled Nevada judge Elizabeth Halverson, who as you may recall has been under investigation for some time based on charges that she mistreated staff, improperly met with jurors, fell asleep on the bench, and so on, was soundly defeated in…

Paris Hilton Sued For Insufficient Publicity

You wouldn’t think anyone would have a cause of action against Paris Hilton for not getting enough publicity, but Worldwide Entertainment Group is claiming that it does. Worldwide was apparently the entity responsible for "National Lampoon’s Pledge This!," a 2006…

Naked Cowboy Arrested in San Francisco

You win some, you lose some.  Less than a month after successfully defeating a motion to dismiss his trademark lawsuit against the maker of M&Ms, New York’s "Naked Cowboy" Robert Burck was arrested in San Francisco when he tried to…

Man Who Sued God Appears in Earthly Court

On August 5, Nebraska state senator Ernie Chambers appeared in court to pursue his lawsuit against God.  Chambers sued God in 2007, saying he was trying to make a point that anyone could file a lawsuit.  "Anybody can file a…

Pets Too Sexy For Saudi Arabia, Say Religious Police

Are there any two words as comforting as "religious police"?  Doubtful.  Especially if they follow the words "Saudi Arabia’s." Saudi Arabia’s religious police, also known by the even more comforting title "The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the…