Nelson Mandela Removed from U.S. Terror Watch List

Anyone who thinks the "War on Terror" will be declared over anytime soon should think about this: the U.S. government just now removed Nelson Mandela from its official terrorist watchlist. Mandela was put on the list along with other members…

Mother Reported to Authorities After Psychic Claims Abuse

Well-meaning Canadians (is there another kind?) reportedly leapt to the defense of an autistic girl recently after a psychic declared that the girl was being abused. “I’m in shock,” said the girl’s mother. “They reported me to Children’s Aid because of…

Boy George Denied U.S. Visa

CNN reported on June 24 that U.S. immigration authorities had denied a visa to George Alan O’Dowd, better known to some as Boy George of "Culture Club" fame.  O’Dowd, 48, had been scheduled to perform a series of concerts in…

Woman Denied Beer at Convenience Store

A 74-year-old woman was denied the right to buy beer at a convenience store in Norwalk, California, the Associated Press has reported. Granted, this happened after she had driven her car through the front window and into the store, but…

Posner Affirms Conviction, Laments Ostrich Myth

On June 25, the Seventh Circuit affirmed the conviction of Conrad Black, one of several former newspaper executives found guilty last year of defrauding their company out of millions of dollars.  In a bad sign for the defendants, the opinion…

City of Flint, Michigan, Joins Crusade Against Saggy Pants

Claiming that he was acting on a "significant" number of citizen complaints, the police chief for Flint, Michigan, said on June 25 that he had directed officers to start arresting people seen wearing pants and/or shorts that sag "too low."…

New Adhesive-Toilet-Seat Case Against Home Depot

On June 11, a St. Louis man filed a lawsuit against Home Depot alleging that it had negligently failed to monitor the condition of the toilet seats in its customer restrooms, and had negligently failed to warn of a serious…