UPDATE: Conviction in Hedgehog-Assault Case

William Singalargh, who as we learned in April had been accused of assaulting a 15-year-old boy with a hedgehog, was convicted this week on charges of "common assault" and "offensive behavior" and ordered to pay about $550 in fines.  Singalargh…

Fourth Circuit Reinstates Dirty-Dancing Lawsuit (Again)

On April 30, the 4th Circuit reinstated a seven-year-old lawsuit against the city of Marshall, North Carolina, by a woman who was banned from the town dance hall for allegedly dancing in a "sexually provocative manner."  The court ruled that…

Pirate Boards Macy’s Flagship; Claims No Booty

On Memorial Day, police arrested a 29-year-old man in the Herald Square Macy’s store in Manhattan after spotting him "brandishing" what was described as a curved, rusted, "pirate-style sword," presumably a cutlass. The report also used the word "carrying," although…

Ape Appeals

As expected, Matthew Pan (or his handlers, depending on how you view this story), has appealed to the European Court of Human Rights.  You may recall that Pan is a chimpanzee currently residing in Austria.  An animal-rights group took his…

Congress Forgets Part of Farm Bill

The U.S. Congress, which some of you may remember as a third branch of government, roused itself this week to override President Bush’s veto of a popular farm bill.  That was the plan, at least, until somebody noticed that they…

153rd Time is the Charm for Frequent Arrestee

Although Paul Baldwin was charged only with stealing a can of beer (retail value: $1.99), on May 19 a judge in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, set his bail at $10,000.  This may have something to do with the fact that this…

Your Dog’s Body Damaged My Car, Says Alleged Creep

"I have complete compassion for them," said Jeffery Ely about the family he sued after killing their dog.  Ely had been driving at night on January 4 when Nikki Munthe’s dog, Fester, a miniature pinscher, ran out into the road…