Man Faces Five Years for Hedgehog Assault

In the second animal-assault story from New Zealand in two weeks, police in the North Island town of Whakatane said that William Singalargh, 27, had been arrested for assaulting a boy with a hedgehog. Many details about the assault remain…

Revenge of The Prop Guy

Battle will be joined tomorrow in a British case in which a rebel prop designer will challenge George Lucas, emperor of the Star Wars universe, as to who owns the rights to the stormtrooper costumes used in the films.  Andrew…

Youth Rights Under Siege in Midwest

In addition to the continuing War on Low Pants, about which I will report again in the near future, other recent legislative developments in the Midwest are threatening the rights of young people. In Arkansas, the right of toddlers to…

Witches Screwed Again in Connecticut

In other civil-rights news, Connecticut’s General Assembly failed again this year to pass a resolution that would have cleared the names of those prosecuted for witchcraft there during the 17th century. This marks the 361st year in a row that…

Poll: What’s the Scariest Part of the Torture Memo?

There has been a lot of buzz over the last couple of days about the newly released memo written in 2003 to provide legal arguments in support of using torture aggressive interrogation techniques.  And there is probably more to come. …

Man Jailed for Curiosity About Groin-Kicking

Last week, a 28-year-old man from Guelph, Ontario, Canada, was sentenced to sixty days in jail simply for asking seven different women to kick him in the groin. Isn’t that pretty far down the list of things that need to be…

Wombat-Rape Story NOT An April Fools’ Day Item

I guess it is understandable that some readers believe that the previous post, about a New Zealander who was sentenced to community service for falsely reporting he had been raped by a wombat, an assault that he said caused him…

New Zealander Sentenced for False Claim of Wombat Rape

Arthur Cradock of Motueka, New Zealand, was sentenced last week to 75 hours of community service for making a false police report, after he admitted he had not actually been raped by a wombat as he had claimed. Cradock called…