Junk-Mail Deliverer Sues After Mailbox Injury

"When I received a solicitor’s letter," said Paul O’Brien of Leeds in Great Britain, "I thought someone was having a laugh."  This was because the letter explained that Mr. O’Brien was likely to be sued by a woman who had…

“Heavy Hitter” On the Ropes

The Nevada Bar Association said earlier this month that it had received a complaint against personal-injury lawyer Glen Lerner, and that it was investigating.  Lerner is extremely well-known in Nevada, largely because of his ridiculous TV commercials, which have shown…

Police Stop of Ax-Wielding Bike Rider Found Justified

In a classic opinion of which I have just learned, the California Court of Appeal ruled in 1998 that police were in fact justified in detaining a man they saw on a bicycle at 3:00 in the morning, primarily because…

Judge Jumps the Gun on Declaring Defendant Guilty

The evidence against Joseph Nee, on trial for allegedly plotting a Columbine-style attack at his high school, seems to have been fairly strong.  Or at least you could infer that from the fact that the judge in his bench trial…

Bill Would Make KFC the “Official Picnic Food of Kentucky”

On January 18, Kentucky State Rep. Charles Siler introduced a bill that would designate Kentucky Fried Chicken (specifically, Original Recipe) as the state’s "official picnic food."  The provision itself is just one sentence, but the preamble offers some interesting details:…

Mustache-Discrimination Case Reaches Indian Supreme Court

On Monday, February 11, justices of the Supreme Court of India heard argument in the case of a man who claims he was fired from his job at Indian Airlines because of his sizeable and “elaborate” handlebar mustache. Initial reports…

FBI Rejects Waterboarding In Favor of Starbucks

Writing on the New York Times website Tuesday, Mike Nizza discussed the revelation that in contrast to the CIA’s admitted use of techniques like "waterboarding" to try to get information out of Al Qaeda suspects at Guantanamo, FBI interrogators used…