“Mail Goggles” Designed to Prevent Regrettable Emails

Here’s another great idea being tested by Google Labs.  As many of you may know from bitter experience, the well-known phenomenon of "drunk dialing" has been partly replaced by drunk emailing, although the latter is worse because the email evidence…

“Lowering the Bar” in Vegas

Thanks to everyone at my firm, Shook, Hardy and Bacon, for letting me do the live version of "Lowering the Bar" at our firm’s retreat this past weekend in Henderson, Nevada (just outside Vegas), and for not throwing anything especially…

Cast of Thousands Fails to Generate “Plain English” Order

Here’s another one from the archives: [The Court asked counsel to] prepare a "plain English" version of the injunctive order, which the Court could then substitute for the somewhat convoluted order still in place. . . . In response, [counsel]…

Touched by an Angel

In court papers filed last week, attorneys for John LaVoie, pastor of the "Church of Liberty" in Tucson, Arizona, argued that the civil-forfeiture proceeding against LaVoie is unconstitutional because it violates his right to freedom of religion.  Specifically, they said…

Mascot Badgerer Pleads Guilty

I can understand not wanting to leave Shea Stadium, but don’t take it out on the mascot. A 32-year-old man who was accused of harassing "Mr. Met" at a game back in May has pleaded guilty, the NY Daily News…

I Am Sorry

I am sorry that Mr. Murphrey had to go through what he describes in this letter. I am sorry that attorneys sometimes act unprofessionally and even childishly. I am sorry that I did not have a chance to post this…