Senator Agrees To Do That Crack Cocaine Thing

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Possibly the high point of the Sotomayor hearings was this comment to a witness by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama):

Sessions, in a casual tone, said "Mr. Henderson, It's good to work
with you. Senator Leahy and I are talking during these hearings, we're
going to do that crack cocaine thing that you and I have talked about

After an awkward pause, Henderson laughed to himself and said, "Thank you, Senator, I appreciate that."

Sessions was talking to Wade Henderson of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, who has argued that penalties for using crack cocaine are out of proportion to those for the powdered stuff.  As Sen. Sessions quickly clarified, bringing those penalties into line is the "crack cocaine thing" that he and Leahy are looking forward to doing.

Link: Huffington Post (with video)