Slight Problems Found With “Nurse of the Year” Award

Here is a short list of the potential problems that authorities recently alleged in connection with Betty Lichtenstein's "Nurse of the Year" award, which she received in 2008: She isn't a nurse. Wait, I found a few more: She was…

Don’t Miss The [Alberto] Gonzales Cantata

Only two shows left for The Gonzales Cantata, the world's first concert opera based entirely on former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales's 2007 appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee. As you may recall, Gonzales was questioned and criticized (by Republicans as well…

Iraqi Shoe-Thrower to Get Early Release

BAGHDAD — An Iraqi journalist imprisoned for hurling his shoes at former President George W. Bush will be released next month after his sentence was reduced for good behavior, his lawyer said Saturday. Muntadhar al-Zeidi, you may recall, threw both…

Funkytown’s Crazy Co-Mayors

I'm a little miffed that my hometown, Kansas City, waited until after I moved away to elect crazy people to run it. Actually, the voters elected one person, Mark Funkhouser, to be mayor, but he brought along his wife Gloria…

An Unusual Penalty

The New York Times Topics blog has a post today on prepositional phrases and how they can result in unintentional comedy if you aren't careful.  This is common in legal writing, too, and one of the NYT's examples has a…

Tour Companies Battle Over Trademarked Duck Noises

I suppose it was only a matter of time before Ride the Ducks and Bay Quackers ended up in litigation. Both companies operate land-and-water tours using amphibious vehicles of a type known in World War II as DUKWs or "Ducks,"…

Wrongening the Math

It seems that I got the math wrong in my post a couple of weeks ago about the $1 trillion lawsuit against Oprah Winfrey.  See "Oprah Stole My Poetry, Man Claims In $1 Trillion Lawsuit," Lowering the Bar (Aug. 12,…