Murder Convicted Of Murder

In a not-shocking development in this now-seven-year-old drama, rapper Corey Miller has been convicted for a second time of the 2002 murder of a fan at a nightclub in Harvey, Louisiana.  Miller was originally convicted in September 2003, but a…

Fall of the Republic, #137

True or false: this person was once elected governor of a major American state.    Is the "Jailhouse Rock" joke too obvious?  Oh, well:  Blagojevich, who has steadfastly refused to lay low while awaiting trial on corruption charges, should probably…

Oprah Stole My Poetry, Man Claims In $1 Trillion Lawsuit

In July, Damon Goffe sued Oprah Winfrey, alleging that Winfrey had infringed his copyright in a series of poems.  Goffe demanded 1.2 trillion dollars ($1,200,000,000,000) in damages for what were, presumably, the greatest poems in the universe, poems so good…

Woman Claims Display Was So Distracting, She Fell Over It

I haven't read the complaint, but at first glance this doesn't seem to make a lot of sense: Lindsay Ross v. Dollar Tree Stores Inc., No. SCV245445 (Santa Clara Super. Ct. July 10, 2009). Slip and fall. The plaintiff was distracted by…

Driver Who Was Texting And Talking While Driving Ends Up Swimming

At this point, unfortunately, charges based on texting while driving are not especially newsworthy. Charges based on texting while driving while also talking on a second phone at the same time while driving a tow truck are a different story, however. The incident…

Cat Blamed For Pornography

Police in Florida say a man accused of possessing child pornography has claimed that his cat downloaded the material while he was in the other room.  The officers immediately apologized for the intrusion and everyone laughed about the crazy things…

Robber in Gorilla Suit Foiled by Worker With Meat Cleaver

Police in Conway, Florida, reported that a worker at Jimmy's Japanese Hibachi was taking out the trash last Monday night when a man in a gorilla suit appeared and punched him in the head.  The worker fled into the restaurant,…