How to Avoid Jury Duty, #7: Die

A woman in Arlington, Washington, said her husband would not be reporting for jury duty as ordered on June 24, because he had been dead since 2005. Finally, an absolutely ironclad excuse for getting out of jury duty. County officials…

Nevada Supreme Court to Pretend to Consider Bail for O.J.

Nevada's highest court (and its only appellate court) will hear oral argument on August 3 as to whether O.J. Simpson should be allowed to go free on bond while he appeals his conviction for that gun-waving memorabilia negotiation he conducted…

Lawyer Jailed for Contempt Is Freed After 14 Years

Pennsylvania lawyer H. Beatty Chadwick either could not or really did not want to hand over the $2.5 million his ex-wife was awarded after their divorce, and he was prepared to go to jail for contempt rather than do so….

Senator Agrees To Do That Crack Cocaine Thing

Possibly the high point of the Sotomayor hearings was this comment to a witness by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama): Sessions, in a casual tone, said "Mr. Henderson, It's good to work with you. Senator Leahy and I are talking during…

Saudi Arabian Family Sues Genie for Harassment

There are probably some translation issues with this story, but so be it. According to Arabic news sources, which I of course read diligently, a family in Mahd al Dhahab, in western Saudi Arabia near Medina, filed a lawsuit in…

Financial Crisis Comes Full Circle As Bank Sues Itself

According to reports last week, Wells Fargo Bank NA is locked in a legal battle in Florida with an equally-matched opponent who will be almost impossible for it to defeat: itself. The Consumer Warning Network website reported on July 2…

Judge Finally Gets Around to Ruling on 26-Year-Old Case

Recently, District Judge Ronald McPhillips of Toole County, Montana, ruled that James Rubow had not breached his agreement with Milan Ayers, who contended that Rubow owed him millions of dollars for improperly taking his share of a natural-gas field. This…