Woman Sues Wal-Mart for Nutria Attack

Reports last week stated that Rebecca White, of Abbeville, Louisiana, had sued Wal-Mart for injuries she allegedly suffered when a "large wild nutria" ran out from behind a rack of Coca-Cola products, causing her to run over her own foot…

Law Firm Party-School Rankings Released

The latest U.S. News and World Report law-school rankings were released recently, with few surprises evident, but more interesting may be the recent party-law-school rankings released by the SubtleDig site.  Those planning to "party" in law school in the same…

Mule Drivers Must Have Biometric ID, Says TSA

The Transportation Security Administration, taking a break from its critical shoe-removal and water-bottle-disposal duties, has told the mule-skinners at Hugh Moore Park that they must comply with strict post-9/11 security measures by applying for high-tech biometric Transportation Worker Identification Credentials….

Man Sues for Right to Wear Skirt

At least this gentleman is not asking for something ridiculous like three quadrillion dollars, or, given the facts of this case, three dollars.  He just wants one dollar, and a ruling that he can freely wear his manskirt without fear of…

Holy Spirit Lawsuits, Round Two

Receiving the Holy Spirit seems to get more dangerous all the time. In at least two prior cases, worshippers injured in falls after being "taken by the spirit" have sued their churches for negligence, mostly claiming that the churches failed…

Texting in Court Equals Jail for Utah Woman

A woman who sent two text messages from a Utah courtroom got 30 days in jail for contempt of court, sources reported recently.  While pretty much every court prohibits the use of cellphones while court is in session, 15 days per…

New Swiss Law Aims to Halt Invasion of Naked Germans

The canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden, located in northeastern Switzerland, has voted to ban nude hiking in an effort to deter naked Germans from tromping around their tiny mountain state.  The incursion apparently began last autumn, when residents began encountering Germans in…