Don Henley Sues Candidate to Stop Song Parodies

Again we learn the lesson that suing somebody who's saying something you don't like is guaranteed to get them more publicity (often now called the "Streisand Effect").   This time the teacher is Don Henley, a founding member of The Eagles, who…

Dog-Walking Controversy May Cost Couple Their Home

Robert Wirth, Jr., and his wife, Sandra Blaker, are appealing a court's order directing them to pay over $40,000 in a case stemming from Wirth's insistence on walking their dog without a leash in violation of homeowners-association rules.  The association has a lien on their home, and…

Law Firms: Last Vestige of the Medieval Guild System?

“In the current economic crisis, we see the final demise of the medieval guild in the American legal profession,” said Joel Henning, a law firm consultant at Hildebrandt International Inc. Carlyn Kolker, 'Medieval' U.S. Law Firm Pay Structure Buckles, Bloomberg.com…

Muslim Clerics Issue Cell-Phone Fatwa

A panel of Muslim clerics in northern India have issued a fatwa prohibiting the use of cellphones, at least in certain un-Islamic ways. If they will extend this to the BlackBerry, I might be willing to convert. A fatwa, you may…

Will Perry Mason Defend Himself?

The Associated Press reported yesterday that Perry Mason had been charged with felony barratry in Texas, a crime that carries a penalty of up to ten years in jail.  "Barratry" is the dastardly crime committed when a non-attorney solicits clients for a…

“Octomom” Seeks Trademark

Nadya Suleman, also known as the “Octomom” for her amazing ability to give birth to eight offspring at once (or at least in rapid succession), has applied to trademark that nickname, according to reports on April 15. If she ever…

Kansas City Docket: Chips Ahoy

Friends in the Midwest noticed this new case filing last week: Michael Rolf v. Kraft Foods, 4:09-cv-00270-FJG (W.D. Mo. filed 4/8/2009) Product liability complaint. The plaintiff got "high" after eating a box of Chips Ahoy cookies "with drugs in them."…

Justice Thomas Still Fascinated by Dishwashers

Speaking to a group of students on April 13 at a dinner sponsored by the Bill of Rights Institute, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas admitted that he is perpetually enthralled by the Miracle of the Dishwashing Machine: I have to admit…

Rambo Cupid Fires Arrows Around Minnesota Neighborhood

Police in Burnsville, Minnesota, said that Kyle Fletcher went out onto his patio deck on April 3 with a powerful compound bow and fired several arrows into neighboring homes in an effort to impress a woman.  Police found arrows embedded in…

What Not To Call 911 About, #3: Missing Shrimp

Another entry for the possible new category on needless 911 calls. In August of last year, a Jacksonville man called 911 to complain that Subway did not make his sandwiches correctly.  Just a few weeks ago was the 911 Call…