Another Lawsuit Fails to Unseat Obama

Previously I wrote about Philip J. Berg, the lawyer who had sued to stop Obama from becoming president on the theory that Obama was not a "natural-born citizen," as the Constitution requires.  That case was dismissed for lack of standing. …

Fly With Your Pants Down, Lose Your License, Judge Rules

An administrative-law judge has ruled that the FAA properly revoked the license of a man who allowed a sex act to be performed upon him as he flew a helicopter around San Diego.  The judge cited the pilot's likely inability…

UPDATE: Former SF Official Gets Maximum Despite Brain Claims

Former SF supervisor Ed Jew was sentenced today to 64 months in jail by a judge in SF federal court.  Judge Susan Illston apparently rejected the claim that the defendant had been afflicted by childhood head injuries that first manifested…

DUI Charge for Driver of Motorized Bar Stool

If you have been paying attention, you should know by now that you can be charged with driving under the influence no matter what sort of vehicle you are driving.  In the past we have seen DUIs handed out to people riding…

Man Who Attempted Suicide Sues Hospital That Saved Him

If someone injures you while saving your life, can you sue them? Well, of course you can sue them, since you’re not dead, but can you win? I guess so.  Earlier this month, Michael Dexter was paid 90,000 pounds as…

Tennessee Considers Low-Pants Bill

Maybe the economy has recovered faster than we all thought, because otherwise it seems odd that legislatures would still be spending time on low-pants legislation. Tennessee is the most recent jurisdiction to devote energy to this vital issue.  House Bill…