“We Will Get You,” Store Promises Vinegar Thief

The owner of the Newport Avenue Market in Bend, Oregon, is fed up with whoever has been stealing bottles of expensive balsamic vinegar from the market for over a year now.  This is why a sign now hangs in the relevant…

West Virginia Debating Barbie Ban

Earlier this week, I learned (from the excellent blog, "Popehat") that West Virginia lawmaker Jeff Eldridge (D-Lincoln) had introduced a bill that would make it illegal to sell Barbie dolls in the state: A BILL to amend the Code of…

California Supreme Court Appears on Jumbotron

Reasonable people can disagree as to whether cameras should be allowed in the courtroom.  I personally think they should not, because cameras tend to make people do stupid things like wear Star Trek uniforms to court.  But I am willing…

McNugget Shortage Triggers 911 Call

I am considering a new category to be called something like "Things Not to Call 911 About," although I would probably have to just retire it after this item.  What could top it? Latreasa Goodman of Fort Pierce, Florida, was…

Crime Dog, Cow Assaulted

It's been a while since we had any mascot-attack stories, but it still does not appear to be safe out there for the nation's brave mascots. On March 1, McGruff the Crime Dog was passing out flyers to children in…

Fake Air Marshal Busted by Real Ones

Sure, it's nice to not have to worry about being late for your plane because you are a U.S. air marshal.  Turns out they will hold the plane for you and even let you on if the gate has already…

Judge Rules Poker Is Game of Skill, Not Chance

Recently, a South Carolina judge ruled that poker is a game of skill and not a game of chance.  The issue was before him because state police — apparently with little else to do — have been raiding private poker games,…

Anti-Beer-Pong Law Defeated by Furious Citizens

“We’re getting inundated with so many e-mails that I don’t have the time to fool with it,” said Maryland state senator George Della Jr. (D-Baltimore).  He was explaining why he had withdrawn Senate Bill 233, a bill he introduced that…