State Assistant AG Fired After Inappropriate Cemetery Visit

A 66-year-old deputy assistant attorney general is now no longer employed by South Carolina after a police officer noticed him and another person engaging in an unspecified activity in a "secluded part of a downtown cemetery." He and the 18-year-old…

French Court Finds Church of Scientology Guilty of Fraud

On October 26, a French court held that the Church of Scientology and six of its members were guilty of fraud, sentenced the members to as much as two years in jail (suspended) and fined them up to $600,000 each.  It did…

Pilots Who Forgot to Land No Longer Allowed to Fly

The Northwest Airlines pilots who failed to respond to air-traffic controllers for 90 minutes, missed their destination by 120 miles, and claimed they had "lost track of time" while using their laptops, have been stripped of their licenses by the…

Judge Reprimanded for Jailing Guy Who Gave Him the Raspberry

I think I'm with the judge on this one, even if the state supreme court said he screwed up. Municipal Court Judge Emery Toth was reprimanded last month for violating the New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct by "speaking disrespectfully…

Another Consumer Says He Was Duped by Froot Loops

As I wrote this past summer, a number of lawsuits have been filed in California over the past couple of years by people who say they were deceived by certain representations on cereal boxes. Specifically, three different plaintiffs alleged they were…

Lowering the Bar at Microsoft

As I think I have mentioned before, I occasionally do presentations based on "Lowering the Bar" for law firms, in-house legal departments, bar associations, and/or anybody else who might be interested.  I gave one of these at Microsoft on October…

Fish Killer Gets Probation

I think I have only seen one other story that I thought was funny although it involved domestic violence, and that one involved a woman beating a man with his own prosthetic leg.  See "Man Beaten With Own Leg by…

First-Grader Beats Rap for Knife Charge

Zachary Christie, the 6-year-old who was suspended recently after bringing a camping utensil to school, has been granted a reprieve. Christie was facing 45 days in the big house for allegedly violating the school district's "zero-tolerance" policy towards possible weapons….