Most-Viewed Stories of 2010

The items below are the items that got the most traffic here during 2010. Not all of these were written or posted during 2010, though most were – they are just the items that, for whatever reason, happened to draw…

Assorted Stupidity #11

In Connecticut, Betty Lichtenstein was just sentenced to nine months in prison for practicing nursing without a license. You may remember Betty as the Connecticut Nursing Association's "Nurse of the Year" for 2008, but if you do you have forgotten that…

Benny-Hill-Worthy Police Chase in Washington

Doesn't seem to be too much going on in the legal profession today, between the holidays and New York being buried in two feet of snow, so how about a ridiculous police chase to ease back into things? Police in…

UPDATE: Santa Cleared in Providence Robbery

I reported earlier on a number of crimes allegedly carried out by one Santa Claus, a.k.a. Kris Kringle, a.k.a. "St. Nicholas," a.k.a. "St. Nick," during this holiday season, and it seems only fair to follow up with this report that…

Bad Santas Attack Swedish Royal Palace

Weirdness never takes a holiday, and so neither does Lowering the Bar. Well, every once in a while, but not today. The Swedish bureau reports that a pair of Santas attacked two guards at the Swedish royal palace in Stockholm…

TSA Thwarts Frozen-Chicken Plot

You know, there are people out there, such as me, who have accused the TSA of being pointless largely because it is always responding to the last threat we faced rather than thinking ahead. Well, I stand corrected. As this…

NY High Court: Shank Happens

In a brief opinion released today, the New York Court of Appeals agreed with lower courts that a golfer hit by an "errant" shot could not sue his co-golfer for negligence, because one who chooses to golf assumes the risk…

How the Great Kansas City Meerkat Caper Unraveled

According to a report in the Kansas City Star, the stolen meerkat just proved to be too much for the teenage masterminds to handle: [Police] said the teens [19 and 17] grew up in the same Northland trailer park and had…