Poster for Anti-Infringement Campaign Was Copied, Designer Admits

Taiwan's Intellectual Property Office said it had disqualified Wu Chih-wei and asked him to return the medal and prize money he got for winning the "Protect Copyright" poster-design contest, after Wu admitted he had copied the design he submitted. "The…

On Lawmanship

I just finished a book that I recommend very highly: On Lawmanship by Bullstrode Whitelocke, K.C. Bullstrode, who I consider a close personal friend even though he is fictional, is the greatest practitioner of the law Australia has yet produced,…

From the Docket: Satan’s Employees, Dangerous Doors

These are third-party summaries of a couple of cases filed recently in San Francisco Superior Court. This first one seems to involve a party admission of the kind you just don't get that often: Rabbi ______ v. Mark Hopkins Intercontinental…

Witch Regulation Moving Forward In Russia

The question of whether Russia or Romania has more powerful witches has now been settled, or at least the question of which set of witches has more powerful lobbyists. Just a couple of weeks ago, Romanian lawmakers refused to pass…

Comical Case Names Update

The Comical Case Names page has been updated with the following entry: 4 Exotic Dancers v. Spearmint Rhino and the Wild Goose, et al., No. CV 08-4038 ABC, 2009 WL 250054 (C.D. Cal. Jan. 29, 2009) (denying plaintiffs' motion for…

Not Guilty by Reason of Caffeine

Reports today say that a 33-year-old Kentucky man will argue in his murder trial this week that he should be found not guilty of killing his wife because he was under the influence of caffeine at the time. Woody Smith's…


This was filed in May: Starbuds Cannabis Club Collective; Mark Gustely v. County of Sonoma, No. SCV247427 (filed May 24, 2010) Petition for writ of mandate. The defendant has forced the closure of a patients' marijuana collective, plaintiff Starbuds, where…