UPDATE: Threatened “Lemonade Uprising” Underwhelms

August 26 was the day of the most recent Last Thursday festival in Portland, an informal gathering that attracts about 15,000 people a month. Tensions were expected to be high, or at least higher than usual, because of the incident…

Assorted Stupidity #5

Is Jersey Shore a RICO enterprise?  Some plaintiffs think so, arguing that the show earns millions of dollars from racketeering based on criminal activities, such as when people get in fights. Lead attorney says Viacom’s president is “the functional equivalent of…

High-Risk Anti-Theft Strategy Pays Off

This is not a strategy that I can recommend, but it did work this time. When Russell Stuart heard his car start up in his driveway very early one morning, he realized it was being stolen and reacted immediately.  "I…

One Wounded in Man-Bat Fracas

What is the world coming to when a man can't take the steps necessary to defend his home and family from mammalian invaders?  Ask Cedric Newton, who was charged last week with reckless discharge of a firearm simply for trying to…

Assorted Stupidity #4

From the Department of Good Ideas: “Owner of Ohio killer bear isn’t making safety fix,” Associated Press (Aug. 23, 2010).  What could happen? Another thing not to post on Facebook, if you are a juror: “Gonna be fun to tell…