Warning: Sharp Thing May Cut Hand

Here's a case report describing a recent filing in San Francisco County: Brendan H__ v. KatachiSF Inc. dba Katachi, No. CGC-10-501116 (San Francisco Super. Ct. filed 6/28/10). Personal injury action in which the defendants failed to warn the plaintiff that…

New Forbes Column on Crunch Berries, Froot Loops Cases

Although this is a saga that long-time LTB readers may be quite familiar with by now (see, e.g., "Reasonable Consumer Would Know 'Crunch Berries' Are Not Real, Judge Rules," Lowering the Bar (June 2, 2009)), my column this week for Forbes.com…

Department of Homeland Security Deploys Ogre-Protection Force

Please fill in the blank in the following sentence, which recently came out of the mouth of John Morton, Assistant Secretary for Homeland Security: The reason the Department of Homeland Security is protecting ______ is because we are all about…

Update on the Fraudulent Photoshopper

Daryl Simon seems to have included his bogus charity photos in an appendix to his sentencing memorandum, but I was unable to find that on the court’s docket.  It may not have been posted yet, but that seems odd given…