Kansas Man’s 0.57 BAC Impressive, But Not a Record

According to the Wichita Eagle, a man who was treated at a local hospital for an injury to the back of his head was found to have a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.57.  That is seven times the legal limit for driving,…

Good Reason to Kill #9: That There Is My Fryin’ Pan

A good opening for this story on July 10: "A dispute over the ownership of a frying pan led to third-degree burns for one South Bend man and 11 stitches for another, police reports said." Apparently, one man was cooking…

TSA Advertising Job Openings on Top of Pizza Boxes

Oh, this is confidence-inspiring: Am I wrong, or are the most likely new recruits from this campaign those who are currently making and/or delivering pizzas?  Are they going to at least screen out people who have ever failed to get a pizza safely…

“Fleeting Expletives” Policy Struck Down Again

Good news for expletive-users - the Second Circuit has struck down the FCC's "fleeting expletive" policy, holding that it violates the First Amendment. As you may recall, this policy was put in place after Bono dropped an F-bomb at the 2003 Golden Globe Awards…

Prosecution Winding Down in Blagojevich Trial

In case you had forgotten about Rod Blagojevich, he's still on trial, and still proclaiming his innocence. Yelling it, actually. "Rod Blagojevich yells his innocence as he comes out offederal court Thursday afternoon." (Chicago Sun-Times) The latest summary from the…

From the Docket: Alleged Failure to Supervise Knife Use

Aprille Mammone v. Vector Marketing Corporation; Jordan Anderson, No. CV 1003399 (Marin County Super. Ct. filed June 29, 2010). Complaint for negligence. The defendants were engaged in a sales presentation of kitchen and sporting knives when they negligently allowed the…

What We Can Learn From Lindsay Lohan’s Courtroom Notes

First and most importantly, when covering your face with notes you have taken in court, the side you have written on should face toward you:   Second, Lindsay has excellent handwriting, the downside of which is that your notes may be legible from…