Assorted Stupidity #10

“I miss having a dog,” said Michael Vick, who used to help drown the ones that weren’t good enough at killing other dogs. Uh, how about no? If you don’t like your firm’s dress code, be glad you don’t work…

Facebook Page

While I have never been too fond of Facebook (though I have come to terms with the Twitter), it has come to my attention that at least a few people do use it and so I have set up an…

Law and the Multiverse

Here's a great new blog you should check out: Law and the Multiverse, which considers legal scenarios involving superheroes and supervillains. My favorite so far is probably the post "RICO and the Legion of Doom," in which the authors conclude that…

A Festivus for the Rest of Us, or at Least for This Guy

Why hasn't this been tried before?  Or has it? On December 10, the Orange County Register reported that "longtime county inmate" Malcolm King had successfully argued he was entitled to special meals because eating the salami served at his facility…

City Baffled by Hundreds of Mysterious Stop Signs

If you installed 700 unauthorized stop signs in Cranston, Rhode Island, would you please call the mayor? Judges have been dismissing tickets written for running stop signs in Cranston because the city apparently doesn't know which signs are official and…

Study: Lawyers Under Stress Are Critical, Cautious and Distant

According to a study reported in the ABA Journal, lawyers under stress are tense, overly critical, cautious and emotionally distant. In a related story, lawyers not under stress are tense, overly critical, cautious and emotionally distant. The data for the study…

Morrison Pardoned

As I mentioned back in November, Florida's outgoing governor, Charlie Crist, had been talking more and more seriously about granting a posthumous pardon to Jim Morrison for allegedly exposing himself (or a part of himself) at a concert there in…