Comedian-Led Political Party Wins Big in Reykjavik

The best party in Reykjavik's local elections this year was the Best Party, a party made up largely of comedians and actors led by "Iceland's most famous comedian," Jon Gnarr.  Gnarr's party won the largest single share of votes in…

Landlord Victorious in Peeps Trial

I somehow failed to notice that the Peeps eviction case had gone to trial in Boulder, Colorado, but I have now learned that the trial ended in a verdict for the landlord. As you may recall, Carol Burdick had alleged…

Fat Rapist Claims Confession Was Coerced by Junk-Food Offer

Big-bellied rapist Bruce Tuck, a flabby 275-pounder who was somewhat uncreatively nicknamed the "Big-Bellied Rapist" during a string of crimes he committed in Tennessee, has now argued in court papers that his confession was coerced because a detective offered him…

Naked Cowboy in Trademark Battle With Naked Cowgirl

There is nothing so ridiculous that somebody won't try to copy it. Robert Burck has reportedly sent a cease-and-desist letter to Sandy Kane, accusing her of infringing on his trademark.  Because Burck is better known as the "Naked Cowboy," who strolls…

Adultery Still a Crime in New York

I saw a post on Boing Boing the other day about a list of "dumb laws," which the poster was not sure were real.  They weren't, or at least there were no citations, which always makes me skeptical – there…