The Governator Cracks Wise in Commencement Speech

Love him or hate him, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a reasonably funny guy.  (I'm not going beyond "reasonably funny" until somebody apologizes for "Batman & Robin.")  It could just be that he has good writers working for him now (unlike,…

Food Fight Breaks Out in Ukrainian Parliament

When your legislators really care about democracy, it shows.  In the U.S., most speeches are made to a C-SPAN camera in an otherwise empty room, and almost nobody watches.  In other countries, they feel strongly enough to get involved in…

Study Links Long Hours to Death

How many reasons do you need to not work 10 or more hours a day?  How about one death-related reason? In a study published in the European Heart Journal this week, British researchers who conducted an 11-year study of 6,000 civil…

Spider-Man Arrested for Battery

Many have rightly praised Spider-Man for foiling that comic-book-store robbery in Australia last week (with the aid of a few super-friends), but some still question whether his brand of vigilante justice is always a good thing. The robbery story reminded…

San Francisco Docket

From today's report of newly filed cases: Eric Miller v. The Army Review Boards Agency, No. CGC-10-499631 (San Francisco Super. Ct. May 7, 2010) Contract action. The plaintiff was fired the wrong way and he suffered turf toe, a sports…