Government Agency Apologizes for Evicting British Jedi

Thirty-one-year-old Chris Jarvis was escorted out of a government office in the UK recently for refusing to remove his hood, which a spokesperson said visitors must do for security reasons.  Jarvis complained to the Department for Work and Pensions, on…

Clown Shoes Were Defective, Woman Claims

According to the New York Post, 56-year-old Sherri Perper has sued a costume company and other businesses for injuries she sustained at a Halloween party in 2008.  Perper allegedly sustained leg fractures after a fall she says was caused by…

NY Bill Would Ban the Use of Salt in Restaurant Cooking

New York Assemblyman Felix Ortiz (D-Brooklyn) has introduced a bill that would prohibit restaurants in the state from using salt when preparing any dish to be served to customers. You will be pleased to know that, at least for now,…

Back Waxing Becomes Issue in Florida Senate Race

Taking the high road in his campaign for the GOP U.S. Senate nomination, Florida Governor Charlie Crist suggested on Monday that his opponent in that primary, Marco Rubio, might have used a Republican Party credit card for personal expenses, and…

Attorneys, Bartenders, Dog Groomers on Dangerous-Driver List

According to a study by online insurance company, attorneys (including judges) are at the very top of the list of most dangerous drivers, a result that a company spokesperson suggested was because of their mistaken belief that they are…

No-Dueling Promise May Be Dropped From Kentucky Oath

As I wrote last year (here, and here), since 1849 the Kentucky Constitution has required anyone holding any "office of honor or profit" to swear that they have never fought or otherwise participated in a duel. This provision was added…

Two Sentences, 646 Words, One Lame Opinion

On Monday, blogger Eric Turkewitz was rightfully horrified by two sentences in a decision by a New York appellate court.  Here's the first sentence from Dockery v. Sprecher: In an action, inter alia, to recover damages for medical malpractice, etc.,…