This Thing Named to ABA Journal’s Top 100 List

The ABA Journal has released its fourth annual list of what it considers the "top legal blogs," and I'm pleased to say that Lowering the Bar is on the list. The blogs are chosen by the editors, who select 100 blogs…

Sunshine No Longer Free, Says Sun’s New Owner

Angeles Duran did not say how much she was going to charge people for using the Sun, but she did confirm that she owns it, that her claim is legally valid, and that she will be charging a fee.  Duran, a…

Sue Your Illusion

Not only do the former members of Guns N' Roses not get along, Axl Rose even hates the cartoon version of Slash that appears in Guitar Hero III. Axl sued Activision this week, claiming that it had fraudulently induced him…

Dance Troupe Mistaken for Terrorists

On November 17th, the Lincoln Tunnel was closed for nearly an hour while police chased a group of people dressed in camouflage who were seen running through the tunnel. Officers of the FBI-NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force as well as…

Quit Bothering Superman, Judge Tells LAPD

Superman has won yet another battle against evildoers, but this time he went to federal court instead of the Hall of Justice to get help. This matter comes before the court on a Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by the plaintiffs…

More Things “TSA” Might Stand For

It looks like my claim to "Trouser Search Administration" is safe, but as this video shows, there are so many other good alternatives I won't get too excited about that one in particular. Given some of the increasing number of…

New York, Florida, Whatever

The ad to the right appeared in a Law360 newsletter that was circulated today. Phillips Lytle is a New York firm, and so possibly the intended message is that even if you are in, let's say, Florida, Phillips Lytle can help you…