Plaintiff Claims Potential Landlord Tracked Her in Motorcade

From the San Francisco docket: Jacqueline J_____ v. Milena Talian; Bobby Bogan; Mission Bay Housing Ptnrs LP; FillmoreMarketplace LP; Related Mgt. Co. LP, No. CGC-10-505164 (San Francisco Super. Ct. filed Nov. 8, 2010) Civil rights lawsuit. The plaintiff was tracked, followed and…

Florida Governor Will Seek Pardon for Jim Morrison

Florida's outgoing governor, Charlie Crist, said this week that he will officially ask for a posthumous pardon for Jim Morrison, the Doors singer who was convicted in 1970 of indecent exposure after a prosecution that many believe was politically motivated….

TSA: Trouser Search Administration

Credit where credit is due: as I have said before, I think “Thousands Standing Around” is hilariously funny, but if nobody has suggested “Trouser Search Administration” yet I am hereby staking my claim to that one. This excellent post by Colin Samuels has…

Another High Court Takes Up Negligent-Golfing Issue

New York's highest court will hear arguments tomorrow in a case that raises the perennial question: Does a golfer have a legal duty to yell "Fore"? A trial judge and a panel of the Appellate Division agreed that Dr. Azad…

WARNING: Do Not Drink From Toilet, Say Helpful Signs at City Hall

This warning sign appears inside the men's bathroom in the city hall of Chandler, Arizona: Urinals and Toiletsare served with gray water.Do Not Drink.  According to the Arizona Republic, Chandler has a brand-new city hall that incorporates environmentally friendly features,…

TSA: No Spear Guns in Carry-On Baggage, Please

While I was checking to make sure that toner cartridges and snow globes are still banned from airplanes (they are), I noticed that there are lots of other things that are also not allowed in your carry-on bags. In fact,…

Assorted Stupidity #8

Not sure which is worse: referring to one of these as a "rigid feminine pleasure device," or attacking a cop with one. The Chicago Tribune reported that the RFPD assault took place when an officer visited a woman's home to…